The Well: Teresa talks beauty; inner, outer and all the definitions in-between - Episode 17

This weeks episode of The Well I talk all about beauty! Inner, outer and all the definitions in between. The beauty industry has absolutely exploded in the past few decades with millions of consumers jumping on the latest “youth extension” fads; lotions, serums, creams, fillers, tattoos, injectables, facelifts, lasers, needling there’s really something for everyone! When we strip back all the things that make us feel more beautiful there’s something driving that desire to maintain (or enhance) our physical looks. When it’s unpacked it’s usually stemming from a place of lacking in self acceptance and sitting in a state of comparison with others. Society has not done us any favours with airbrushed beauties splashed across the pages of the glossy magazines on display all around us. Social media has only enhanced the feeling of “am I good enough? As pretty? As relevant? As double tap worthy?” But it’s not all doom and gloom, it should be noted too that there’s also a positive trend focused on embracing th
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