Royal Blood - Little Monster - Bass Cover with Tab in Video

Royal Blood Little Monster Bass Cover including Fake Guitar Sound, Rolling Tab, Pedalboard demo and sneaky appearance of Includes a few impromptu fills from live performances of the song throughout 2017-2018. #royalblood #littlemonster #bass Signal chain: Bass: - Tuned C F A# D# - Neck pickup full - Tone around 5% Pedals: Electro Harmonix Nano Pog - Octave Up - 50% - Sub-octave - 10% - Dry - 50% Electro Harmonix Pitchfork: - 1 Octave up momentary setting - 75% blend Boss LS2 Line Selector: - A B Mix/Bypass setting - Input A from Electro Harmonix Nano Pog - Effect Out and Pitchfork ...- Input B from Electro Harmonix Nano Pog - Dry Out - Output - A B 60/40 Blend
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