A Pattern Language for Expressing Concurrency in Cpp - Lucian Radu Teodorescu - CppCon 2022

--- A Pattern Language for Expressing Concurrency in Cpp - Lucian Radu Teodorescu - CppCon 2022 Concurrency is still largely an unsolved problem. It is said that concurrency appeared in the software world in 1965, when Dijkstra provided a solution to the mutual exclusion problem. It is worth mentioning that this happened before 1968, when we officially started to use the term “Software Engineering”. We embraced structured programming in late 1960s and early 1970s for general code, but never managed to apply structured concurrency on a large scale up to this date. We are still writing our concurrent code in a largely unstructured manner. This is mainly the reason for which concurrency is a large frustration within the C community. In C , we don’t have so far a model to do structured concurrency. However, this is about to change with senders/receivers proposal. The proposal has high chances to land in the C 26 standard. Mean
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