Mali, Niger, And Burkina Faso Quit Ecowas. Find Out The Real Reason For This Action.
#africanews #burkinafaso #ecowas
The months-long tension between Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso, and ECOWAS, have finally come to a head with the three Sahel countries making a big statement that is sure to shake the foundation of the regional bloc on Sunday 28th of January 2024. So, what is this big statement? Well, the military juntas of Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso decided that they had enough of ECOWAS and so they decided to withdraw from the is huge. Now the announcement was made known through a joint statement made by the three junta’s and broadcasted on state television in all three nations. According to the joint statement the decision to withdraw from the bloc was made in complete sovereignty, and the reason for this decision was because the bloc had “moved away from the ideals of its founding fathers and pan-Africanism” after nearly 50 years in existence. The statement further added that ECOWAS, under the influence of foreign powers, betraying its founding principles, has become a threat to its member states and its populations whose happiness it is supposed to ensure.
The military juntas further accused ECOWAS of failing to assist the three countries in fighting “existential” threats like terrorism. In their own words “Indeed, the organisation has not provided assistance to our states in the context of our existential fight against terrorism and insecurity; worse, when these states decided to take their destiny into their own hands, it adopted an irrational and unacceptable posture by imposing illegal, illegitimate, inhumane and irresponsible sanctions in violation of its own texts; all things which have further weakened populations already bruised by years of violence imposed by instrumentalized and remote-controlled terrorist hordes,” In simple terms, since these three nations have been battling with insecurity and terrorism, ECOWAS as a regional bloc has never offered to help but the bloc was the first to impose stringent sanctions on these countries following the coup.
Hours after this huge announcement was made, ECOWAS responded by releasing its own statement. The bloc started with saying that it has not yet received a direct formal notification about Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger’s withdrawal from the West Africa regional bloc and that protocol provides that withdrawal takes up to one year to be completed. It further said that “Burkina Faso, Niger, and Mali remain important members of the Community and the Authority remains committed to finding a negotiated solution to the political impasse. Well, regardless of this statement by ECOWAS, it doesn’t seem likely that the military junta’s of Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso would go back on their decision.
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