Create a Rocket Engine Design App | Nozzles | Method of Characteristics | Theory | Implementation!
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Learn how to create a graphical user interface based desktop or web application to design a rocket engine nozzle using the method of characteristics. I have used C and Qt, however you can also use anything else (Python, Javascript etc). I will explain the theory of compressible flows, propulsion, nozzle design and the method of characteristics in detail before going over the design process and architecture of the app. This way, you can recreate this application in any programming language of your choice.
Ch0 - Introduction: 00:00
Ch1 - Review of Rocket Propulsion, Nozzles and Compressible Flows: 00:00:41
Ch2 - Method of Characteristics - Theory: 00:04:51
Ch3 - Method of Characteristics For Rocket Engine Nozzles: 00:13:04
Ch4 - Object Oriented Programming - the Backend: 00:39:05
Ch5 - App Frontend Walkthrough (C and Qt): 00:50:57
Ch6 - The MOC Algorithm: 00:53:51
Ch7 - Demo of the App!: 01:06:12
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