💖🎧 ANGEL TONES - 1,11,111,11111 Hz | Immunity Boost | Angel Tone Music

ANGEL TONES - 1,11,111,11111 Hz | Immunity Boost | Angel Tone Music Greetings Lovies, This video is the first in a series of nine that are embedded with Angel Tones. The tones used in this treatment session are, 1Hz, 11Hz, 111Hz, 1111Hz. These tones can help in boosting your immunity and bring in the beginning of changes in your life. The number ONE is a number of new beginnings and when the number is repeated it opens possibilities that would not usually be possible. These tones are played stacked throughout the recording and when played in this way can have a profound and positive effect on the listener. As these tones are played together, they create pulses. Allow these pulses to take into a deep meditative state. As you listen you can hear them in the background.
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