Little House ~ Erica Evans ~ V (2009)

“...something’s scratching...“ Flashes and fast moving clips... Erica is awesome! And season 2 has been excellent so far (except what they’re doing with Joshua... :( ...) Anyways, I’ve had this idea for this song with Erica for the longest time but just never got around to actually making it, until I saw episode 3, needless to say, I was inspired :D I’m suffering from a case of duel-ship right now, I adore Jack\Erica but Hobbes\Erica is also highly awesome... though it seems like the writers might be heading the Erica\Hobbes way, it certainly seems like he might have a crush on her... I dunno, maybe it’s just me. So, there’s a little of both in the video :D Song is by the Fray Backup: No infringement intended, I don’t own anything, all rights to their respective owners.
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