Are We Living Inside A Enormous Black Hole 🕳️? 🤯 w/Physicist James Beacham (@TheRoyalInstitution)
Our Universe has a very curious property that not everyone appreciates. If you add up the mass and energy of all the particles contained within the visible Universe, you can ask the question, “How big would the event horizon of a black hole with this mass be?” And the answer, perhaps surprisingly, is very close to the actual horizon size of the observable Universe. Additionally, there’s another related idea, made famous by Stephen Hawking, that each time we create a black hole in our Universe, it could give rise to a “baby Universe” that’s only accessible to an observer that crosses inside that black hole’s event horizon. Could our Universe, then, actually have been spawned by a black hole that was created in some sort of grand “parent Universe,” and do we give birth to a new Universe each time a new black hole is created?
Source:- @TheRoyalInstitution
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James Beacham is a particle physicist, science storyteller, and filmmaker. He’s currently a post-doctoral researcher with the ATLAS Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, with Duke University.
His research focuses on searches for new particles and phenomena such as dark matter, dark photons, quantum black holes, and exotic Higgs bosons. He also advocates for future physics experiments – such as larger colliders – to address the biggest open questions in science.
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