Good Communications, Human Relationships, Valuing Diversity

The safe operation of a ship depends upon a chain of command that extends from the captain through deck, engine and steward’s departments. The chain of command, in turn, depends upon good communication. Because many shipboard operations are large and complex, requiring the coordinated actions of multiple crewmembers, it is critical that you be capable of understanding orders and of communicating clearly with your crewmates. The close confines, the challenging conditions and the extended periods aboard ship faced by seamen make it especially important to maintain good human and working relationships. A positive attitude and a smile can be critical elements in maintaining good crew relations. Simple courtesies like a greeting or a thank you make shipboard life more bearable. It’s important to practice these social skills during both on‑duty and off‑duty hours. Promoting good crew relations begins with the examples set by senior officers. It depends on valuing diversity and on t
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