8+ Vocabulary to Describe a Work of Art

Today you’ll learn band 8 IELTS vocabulary to describe a work of art. You need to be ready with high level, less common words to describe museums and artwork on IELTS Speaking. Visit for your free IELTS Masterclass Video Series. Many students are worried about being asked questions about art on the IELTS test, and it is a common topic. This is difficult for even native speakers to discuss! So, candidates, you must prepare for this topic, and broaden your horizons in your preparations for the exam. In your study plan, schedule a museum visit for yourself. If there are no art museums where you live, you can visit a museum website online. Many famous museums have virtual tours you can take on the website, and you’ll get so much excellent vocabulary! Choose one specific artwork in the museum of your choice, and research it online. It can be a painting, sculpture, anything. Look it up on Wikipedia, and read the description of it. There, you can learn useful vocabulary that is high-level and impressive. Marble bust- marble is a stone material, very expensive, and a bust is the chest, shoulders and head Elegant- adjective: graceful Restrained- adjective: simple, not a lot of detail, not fancy Classical sensibility- from a classical period or mimicking that style; a traditional-looking piece of art Marble, oil, canvas- art materials Mural- painting that covers a whole wall, like the Guernica from Picasso Palette- the range of colors utilized Moving- adjective: makes you feel something Prominent in the composition is…- featured in the artwork is... Note down some of today’s vocabulary, and practice using it in your own description of a work of art. Prepare for this Part 2 cue card! Get your free IELTS Video Masterclass at Become a 3 Keys’ student at !
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