WHERE DOES FIRST LOVE LIVE? Voice of the Eastern Gates

Where to seek first love? Some say you have to seek it in the past. Some say, “I used to be zealous, I need to return to this” – you will never return. You know why? – Because it is not there. First love is not in the past. Do not return – you will not find it there. You know why – Firstly, she isn’t an infant anymore. She has changed. She has reached her maturity. As it is written the little sister is still young, she is not ready for marriage yet. But she says “ I am a wall and my breasts like towers” – this first love lives not in the past, but in the future. Therefore, do not look back, there’s just your past there. There is no first love back there. Turn forth, she is there. I am giving you are guide now. Therefore, do not look back, but go forth.
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