Housing, immigration, and freedom. Another Epping Forest scandal.

PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, SHARE AND LIKE The Conservative Government is forcing local authorities up and down the country to build hundreds of thousands of new houses, desecrating our green and pleasant land. The only reason there is a need for these houses is because of huge levels of unrestricted immigration into Britain. Some councils are more enthusiastic than other to build these houses and many Tory local councils are willing accomplices with these plans. One such council is Epping Forest District Council in Essex. They are determined to build at least 11,000 new houses but this would lead to extra pollution from the cars owned by these new households and the fumes would damage the forest. A Government Agency, Natural England, declared that this is a serious risk to the forest which is a Special Area of Conservation. Epping Forest Council’s solution is to introduce a Clean Air Zone - in other words charge people for driving through the forest. This would have a massive adverse effect on local people, restrict
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