National March on Ottawa: Free Palestine! Ceasefire Now!

BT will be the official livestream partner for the “Free Palestine” National March on Ottawa, Canada. On November 25th at 1PM, the Palestinian Youth Movement, the Association of Palestinian Arab Canadians, Labour for Palestine, and the International League of Peoples’ Struggle in Canada will march on Parliament Hill, Ottawa to demand an end to Canadian complicity in the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people and the colonization of Palestine. Over 1 month into the genocide, with over 11,000 Palestinians killed by Israel, the Canadian government not only refuses to call for a ceasefire, but continues to sell weapons that enable Israel’s massacres. We are marching for an end to this genocide by demanding: An immediate ceasefire An end to Canada’s complicity in Israel’s war crimes, genocide, and colonization of Palestinian lands Lifting the siege on Gaza Join us on November 25th for what is sure to be a historic march, at a critical time for our movement for liberation. We call on Palestinians, Arabs, and people of conscience from all across Canada to make plans to travel to Ottawa on this day. When we show out in numbers and raise our voices together, a people’s chorus becomes impossible for the Canadian government to ignore.
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