are you happy? - early morning live Bo Burnham cover by Isabel

an update to an old cover from 5 years ago To be totally honest, I’ve only watched Make Happy all the way through once. For me, it’s a special that I felt kind of guilty watching at the time because of how obviously the audience posed a problem for Bo as a performer and as a person. However, this song as an ending always stuck with me. I recorded a cover a few years ago that also acted as a “where have I been?“ update video. When I posted it, I had completed my first year of college in an entirely different major and university than where I ultimately graduated. I thought I was in a good state of mind then. Only looking back now from a legitimately healthier place do I know how wrong I was then. I’ve debated taking that cover down, except for the man himself, Bo Burnham, not only saw that cover but commented on it. That’s something that I’ll never take away now lol. Maybe I’ll rewatch Make Happy now that, after seeing Inside, we know that Bo did work on his mental health during his well-needed break and
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