Lax Vox Tube Singing _ Universal Voice International
How to use Lax Vox:
We use a 33cm long and 1 cm in diameter tube of Silicone material. (You can order the lax vox tube trough our website). (Children need a shorter tube, around 28cm)
You need a bottle of water filled half way with water.
You bring the Lax Vox tube in the water for about approximately 3 cm for female voices, 4 cm for male voices. The tube goes for around 1 cm between the lips in your mouth.
You are then in a “U” lip-position.
How to start:
First blow your air through the tube in a quiet pace, around 6 to 8 bubbles per second.
After gently blowing air slowly add the vowel “U”.
Say the “U” vowel low and maintain a loudness of 4 (mezzo piano) on a scale of 0 till 10.
Try to say the vowel “U” in the lax vox tube for as long as comfortably possible.
Repeat this for about one or two minutes.
Check that your cheeks are loose and vibrating with the bubbles.
You can play a bit with the depth of the tube in the water. Less deep is easier, deeper in the water is a bit more effort.
In a second exercise you can glide up and down in a relaxed comfortable range.
Not too high gently up and down maintaining your loudness level 4.
Then you can gradually go higher or lower.
Singers can use the lax vox to extend their range in all kind of warming up exercises.
Simply sing exercises using the lax vox for as long as you like.
Sing not too loud, mezzo forte, so you can easily stretch your vocal folds and make easy registers transitions, going from mode 1 to mode 2 and back.
Your voice will start working free and easy. The true vocal folds are in a balanced vibrating mode. The sub glottal pressure is more balanced with the supra glottal pressure because of the pressure the tube generates in the water. Therefor the vocal folds stretch easily, so you will be able to sing from low to high with any audible transition. You are bridging the two registers, the two modes of your chest and head voice.
The bubbling of the water will massage your vocal folds slightly with around 6 to 8 pulsations a second. The tissue and muscles of your larynx will restore and benefit from this relaxing massage. So it is one of the best recovering methods after big concerts, a lot of loud speaking or singing, after a football match or any kind of vocal work that you might have done during a day.
For speech therapists this is one of the best tools to restore damaged voices, hoarse voices, breathy voices or voices which need therapy after surgery.
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