How to Animate in After Effects | FREE COURSE

► Learn more After Effects with our free course, Your Ultimate After Effects FAQ: In this awesome After Effects animation course, you’ll learn how to animate in After Effects with three beautiful projects. In this free course, you’ll start by learning about keyframe animation and how to reveal text with masks and shape layers. The three projects in this course will teach you how to animate a logo for a burger restaurant, create a stunning futuristic animated logo reveal, and use a write-on text effect to bring a chic text design to life. In these animation tutorials, you’ll master a combination of keyframe animation, text reveals, and After Effects, expressions to create complex and subtle movement. By the end of the course, you’ll know everything you need to know to prepare art for use in After Effects, animate all the different elements, and produce creative and impressive text animations! ► Feeling creative? Download premium After Effe
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