March Equinox Meditation - Zero Point and the Three-Fold Flame

Beloved hearts, We enter into a new dance of Cosmic Rebalancing and Unity Consciousness over the months of March and April. Amplified through the Equinox gateway and the Zero Point field, we are offered an opportunity to release the vestiges of human miscreations as we deepen into the ever present Now moment as One Love and One Unified Field of Light. As a pathway of initiation, the Equinox gateway on March 20 takes us into zero point, as we further release and expand beyond the old karmic timelines and all that does not sustain us in the Light of God We Are walking the Path of Divine Love. Additionally, Pluto’s transit in Aquarius on March 23 also occurs at zero degrees. The Equinox on March 20 is 0° Aries, bringing in new cycles, with a new season, spring or fall, and a new horoscope cycle. Pluto moving into 0° Aquarius, the start of a new way of all, new beginnings, new era. In astrology, zero degrees is a pause, the space between the old and the new. In New Earth, zero point
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