The Future of America’s Allies in Northeast Asia

Hudson Institute will host a conversation on the future of U.S. alliances with Japan and the Republic of Korea. America cannot take for granted its cornerstone alliances in Northeast Asia. Decades of success guarantees neither the longevity nor the compatibility of the and alliances. Between Japan’s concern about a more assertive China and South Korea’s focus on inter-Korean rapprochement, history, politics, and even military operations can disrupt cooperation between two of America’s sturdiest allies. Moreover, U.S. disagreements with South Korea and Japan over burden-sharing, basing, or trade imbalances can reinforce regional perceptions that “America First” implies retrenchment and the handling of alliances more on a transactional than a strategic basis. Panelists include retired Admiral Scott Swift, General Walter ‘Skip’ Sharp, and former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Christine Wormuth. The conversation will be moderated by The Daily Beast’s Kimberly Dozier with an intro
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