Prospects and Challenges for an Emerging New India

Hudson Institute will host Dr. Vinay Prabhakar Sahasrabuddhe, a member of Indian Parliament, the national vice president of India’s Bharatiya Janata Party, and president of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations, to discuss the challenges and prospects of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s second term. The conversation will be moderated by Dr. Aparna Pande, the director of Hudson’s Initiative on the Future of India and South Asia. Experts project that India will be the most populous country by 2024 and the world’s third largest economy by 2028. The country already boasts the fourth largest military in the world, yet these successes have created new challenges for the Indian government. Among them are a demographic dividend that needs to be capitalized on, an economy that will need to keep pace with the increasing population, and a military in need modernization. How Prime Minister Modi addresses these challenges in his second term will have a significant impact on the country’s future.
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