Restoration of disturbed peatlands in Belarus, talk by Dr. Dmitry Grummo, русский и англ. языки
0:09 Introduction
1:39 Talk by Dr. Grummo
14:29 Questions and answers -- English and Russian translation
14:30 Question about fire frequency decline after peatland restoration
16:48 Work in Chernobyl area, patchy radioactivity
19:02 Did you measure changes in temperature and precipitation upon restoration?
22:11 Time lapse between peatland draining and fire increase?
Восстановление болот -- вопрос национальной безопасности
25:56 What kind of “dams“ were used to restore the peatlands? Who financed restoration, were volunteers involved?
Кока-кола? Coca-cola?
31:49 Какие самые эффективные дамбы? Торфяные Most effective dams?
34:12 Before and after restoration -- impressive images
35:26 Восстановление верховых болот Raised bogs
37:25 Bogs that never burn
39:16 Вопрос из Екатеринбурга о проблеме радиоактивности
Question from Yekaterinburg about radioactive problems during ecorestoration
48:55 Upon restoration, can radionuclides spreading with water contaminate meadows and ultimately cattle -- threatening food supply?
52:23 What is the origin for evaporation in these restored areas?
54:25 Are there other objectives for restoration besides fighting with fires? Помимо борьбы с пожарами, какие еще цели преследует восстановление болот? Индикаторные виды, вертлявая камышовка Aquatic warbler
Выкашивание болот для их поддержания Introducing disturbances (cutting grass) to prevent afforestation of the bogs
1:00:24 “If nature wants it to be a shrubland, aren’t we working against nature maintaining the bog?“ A matter of proportions? How do we decide what should be there?
1:07:00 How many jobs were created during this restoration project? Tourism, berry picking
1:11:30 Question about bush encroachment -- could it increase carbon release?
1:15:50 Temperature regime on a drained peat -- can one include the change of surface temperature (cooling) upon restoration into ecosystem services? Важнейший эффект восстановления болот -- уменьшение температуры поверхности. Увеличение облачности?
1:23:00 What is the significance of peatland restoration for Europe as a whole? Migration of rare species
Keeping water in the landscape sustains forest health across borders, preventing fires and tree mortality
1:28:20 Systemic approach to ecorestoration at the river basin scale -- this requires transboundary collaboration
1:31:00 Invitation to visit the unique ecosystems of Belarus, its magnificent bogs and mires
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