The American Invasion of Siberia in 1918

Even before World War I ended, the Allies found another war. Thousands of Allied troops landed at four areas around Russia to restore the monarchy and crush a populist revolution. The United States sent 8000 soldiers to Siberia, Canada sent 5000, the UK 1500, and Japan 70,000. The plan had little chance for success and troops were lucky to escape in 1920. _______________________________________ Related Tale: The American Invasion of Russia in 1918 “Allied Expeditionary Forces in Siberia, 1918-1919“: video from the National Archives; TAGS: US Army History 1918 Siberia Bolshevik revolution General William Graves Michigan National Guard Vladivostok American Soldiers White Russians Czechoslovak Legion Japan Siberia Kolchak American Expeditionary Force Siberia
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