Blender 3D Most Realistic, yet Most Convoluted Planet Tutorial on YT (Simple + Advanced Setups)
Thumbnail image was rendered in Blender 3D using this method. Blender is capable of producing some of the most realistic planet imagery when configured properly. The thumbnail image only took around 10 minutes for a 4K render.
Special thanks to @olemagnussunnevag3553 for giving me some super neat composites of cloud imagery to use. give him a sub for sure, one of the most skilled creators out there
the advanced node setup is *advanced*. Do not attempt if you have not already watched the first episode of my atmosphere series, and make SURE you have a significant amount of blender node experience behind you.
If you are a beginner or intermediate user, you will probably benefit most from the first method presented here.
In this tutorial, I present a simple, yet effective planet system, for the average blender user, and then afterward, for the node gurus among us, I present the granddaddy of all planet setups in blender. It takes a unique, and customizable approach to vo