Germany is paralyzed! Saarland chaos! Serious storms and floods swept away hundreds of vehicles

Germany is on emergency alert! Serious storms and floods swept away hundreds of vehicles and houses Heavy rain warnings were issued for much of the country’s west on Friday, but Sörland was hit hardest by the rain. Due to severe flooding in Sörland, German Prime Minister Olaf Scholz canceled a campaign appointment for the European Parliament elections scheduled for Saturday in the state #Germany #saarland #Saarbrücken #landslide #flood #flash flood #flood #rain #weather #heavy rain #climate change #storm #hail #flood #natural disaster #tsunami #news #disaster #earthquake Our content discusses natural disaster news and the latest weather reports around the world, including: hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, flash floods, earthquakes, heavy rains, hail, hail storms, windstorms, climate change, weather warnings, volcanoes, tornadoes, bad weather, today’s weather news, summary of natural disasters, natural disasters filmed by camera
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