No Money, Despair at Government and Future, Chinese Youth Forced Into ‘Last Generation’ With No Kids

Can you believe this is a large-scale matchmaking event where countless parents are seeking matches for their children? In China, the concept of remaining unmarried and childless starkly contrasts with the traditional belief that “the greatest filial piety is to produce offspring.“ As a result, this modern viewpoint from young people was met with opposition from the majority of parents in earlier years. Many parents resorted to various tactics to pressure their children into dating, marrying, and having children. However, recently, there has not only been a steep rise in the number of young people choosing not to marry or have children, but even some older parents have been compelled to yield to financial constraints, immense pressure, and an unpredictable future. They are increasingly supporting the perspectives of the younger generation. #chinaobserver All rights reserved.
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