Video Art with Nuke Compositing | @FMXConference 2023
In this keynote, we will explore visual effects techniques created for a Video Art project by artist Murat Asash. I had the pleasure of being part of this project as the solo VFX artist using @FoundryTeam Nuke and @BlackmagicDesignOfficial DaVinci. It was first showcased as an Art exhibition called Correspondance (Surface) at the Museum Angewandte Kunst Frankfurt in 2023. I will present the behind-the-scenes of the project including, the filming, the editorial process and the unconventional compositing methods used to craft the 4x 12 mins 4K video art pieces for the exhibition. I hope you enjoy and feel free to leave a comment below. This Keynote was presented as part of the @FMXConference conference in 2023.
Chapters are available:
00:00 - intro
00:57 - the process
01:49 - the shoot
04:10 - references
06:09 - first VFX tests
15:02 - VFX breakdowns of each film
26:22 - the final exhibition with the video Art
29:31 - selected clips from the final films
4 weeks ago 00:00:00 1
Вебинар от Ольги Базановой - “Нежный натюрморт“. День 3
4 weeks ago 00:00:25 1
Rainbows are beautiful in nature, of course✅This motif is a great idea for #blanket #knitting🧵