pattern Casual bag pattern drawing | Making a bag pattern

This is the pattern of ’Casual handbag’ uploaded in the last DIY video. Wouldn’t you like to know how to draw patterns? We’ll tell you in this video. Draw a pattern yourself and make a bag. I think this is the real pleasure of handmade. ▶Chapter 0:35 Principles of drawing 5:37 Draw the actual size pattern of the bag 9:34 Drawing a pattern a little bigger ▶ Go to the DIY bag video ▶ Bag DIY with a slightly larger pattern ▶ More images ♡ if you like the video. I’d love to add it to your playlist. ♡ If you click “Like!”, many people will be able to see the video. If you like the video, please also subscribe. ▶ SNS LINK @spring_iscoming #bagpattern#diybags#sewing
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