Resident Evil 4 Demake - CD 2 in progress - More new rooms! [ Playstation Mod ]

I been some months a bit disconected, but working at the same time on RE: Tokyo mod and the CD2 of Resident Evil 4 Demake The concept of this CD it’s to fit the other part of the village so the whole village it’s covered on CD1 and CD2 . Of course this is just a preview that i wanted to share with us, CD2 still has a long way ahead, with couple of village rooms and the arrival to the castle. 🖤 If you want to see how it looks the CD1 already completed with all the rooms you can check this video 🖤 ☣️ *RE4 Demake - COMPLETE CD1* ☣️ ==For now, this is a test of the concept and the future of this project is yet to be determined as im working on a this demake and on Tokyo mod when i have some spare time== ==================== You can follow all my mods updates on my twitter and discord ! 🐦 🎮 =====================
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