15 LINUX FACTS that your loved ones will never tire hearing about 😬
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00:00 Intro
00:37 Sponsor: 100$ free credit for your Linux or gaming server
01:37 Tux got fat
02:18 Minix Creator did NOT like Linux
03:07 Linux was first to implement crucial stuff
03:52 Linux wasn’t always under the GPL
04:32 Linux is the biggest software project in the world
05:07 Linux was almost called something else
05:51 Why is Tux Tux?
06:36 Linux has terrible codenames
07:16 Torvalds almost lost the trademark
08:00 Linux isn’t just a kernel
08:24 Torvalds could have abandoned Linux
09:06 The other project Torvalds created
09:54 Linux runs Hollywood
10:35 Linux runs space
11:17 No science without Linux
12:07 Sponsor: Get a PC that runs Linux perfectly
12:56 Support the channel
Linux is known for being relatively lean and not using too much disk space, but compared to its first version, it’s positively bloated. The first Linux release used only 65kilobytes of disk space. Today, a compiled kernel uses 5 to 10 megabytes, which is about 153 times heavier than the original release.
Linux was initially created as a Minix clone. The creator of Minix, Andrew Tanenbaum said, a few years later, that Linux was obsolete, and that GNU Hurd would supplant it soon enough.
Linux has also been first to ever support the x86 64 bit architecture, and Linux was also the first to have USB 3.0 drivers added.
The Linux kernel was also initially released under a custom license created by Linus Torvalds, which imposed restrictions on commercial use of his project, and on redistributing it. Fortunately for all of use, this didn’t last long, and with version in 1992, the kernel moves to the GNU GPL.
The Linux kernel is also the biggest software project in the world, with the biggest number of contributors and companies involved in its development.
The first name Torvalds landed on was Freax, for Free Unix. But as things happened, hosting that Freax kernel was initially done by Ari Lemmke, a member of the staff for Helsinki’s university, and this person created a directory called Linux, because that was Torvalds’s working name.
In terms of mascot, and the name of that mascot is Tux, not because penguins wear tuxedos naturally, but because it stands for Torvalds Unix. Why a penguin, though? It’s because Torvalds was bitten by a penguin.
But the linux kernel also has codenames. For example, version was called “shuffling zombie juror“, version 4.3 was “blurry fish butt“, and version 6.0 is “hurr durr I’m a ninja sloth“.
But also, the Linux name was almost lost to a trademark dispute. In 1995, someone named William R. Della Croce Junior, the most evil sounding name I ever heard, filed for a trademark on Linux. He then proceeded to send letters to various Linux distributors asking for 10% royalties, as the ultimate one person patent troll.
Steve Jobs offered Torvalds a job around the year 2000, with a sizeable salary, and a good position in the organization. The pitch was “work on Unix for the biggest user base“. The only condition was that he abandoned Linux and stopped working on it altogether.
But Torvalds isn’t just the creator of the Linux kernel. He also created Git.
Linux is basically running the film industry and Hollywood. The first movie to use Linux was Titanic in 1997, rendered using OpenSUSE, but it didn’t stop there. Avatar’s effects were rendered on Linux server farms. lord of the Rings? Linux. I Robot? Linux.
Linux also runs the space industry. And also, in the supercomputer world, Linux is the ONLY option. Out of the fastest 500 supercomputers, Linux runs 100% of them, or at least it did in early 2023.
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