Tom and Jerry is an American animated series of short films. It centers on a rivalry between its two title characters, Tom and Jerry, and many recurring characters, based around slapstick comedy.
Tom is a grey and white domestic shorthair cat. Jerry is a small, brown, house mouse who always lives in close proximity to Tom. Although cats typically chase mice to consume them, it is quite rare for Tom to actually try to consume Jerry. Most of his attempts are just to torment or humiliate Jerry, sometimes in revenge, and sometimes to obtain a reward from a human for catching Jerry. By the final “fade-out“ of each cartoon, Jerry usually emerges triumphant, while Tom is shown as the loser.
Tom and Jerry, American animated cartoon series about a hapless cat’s never-ending pursuit of a clever mouse.
13 years ago 00:02:25 88
Tom and Emma - Holding on
7 years ago 00:23:59 35
Tom and jerry
2 years ago 00:01:38 27
Tom and Jerry - Crambone
8 years ago 00:03:01 2.6K
Tom and Trey - Солнышко (Official Music Video)
12 years ago 00:03:01 68
Tom and
11 years ago 00:02:23 62
Tom and Jerry
11 years ago 00:03:44 33
Tom and Laura Misch - Follow
6 years ago 00:03:44 56
Ocean Wisdom - Tom and Jerry
12 years ago 00:04:55 44
Bill and Tom kaulitz dance!
9 years ago 00:03:26 2.5K
Tom and Trey - Rapadise (Official Music Video)
7 years ago 00:03:00 338
Tom and Angela - Stand By Me (NEW Music video from Talking Tom and Friends)
7 years ago 00:03:01 367
Tom and Jerry - In Concert
13 years ago 00:02:33 23
tom and emma
5 years ago 00:01:27 96
Tom and Jeryy | Tom The Gym Cat
8 years ago 00:03:21 627
Tom and Trey - Фамилия [#RESPECT]
11 years ago 00:04:16 45
Bill and Tom Kaulitz slash
7 years ago 00:49:24 15
Tom and jerry HD
11 years ago 00:01:17 25
Tom and Jerry?
5 years ago 00:02:58 189
Tom and Jerry Fine Feathered Friend (1942) - Tom and Jerry Cartoon ► iUKeiTv™