The Western Establishment Is Panicked!

No amount of macho, hawkish statements can cover up the reality, which is, as Putin said yesterday, “The Vampire ball is over.“ The attempt by the neocon/neolib Establishment to pull victory from the jaws of defeat will not succeed, but could lead to nuclear war. Now is the time for citizens to join our mobilization, to replace the failed Unipolar Order with a New Paradigm, based on cooperation for the mutual benefit of sovereign citizens of sovereign states. Link to yesterday’s dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Link to register for the Oasis Plan online conference, on April 13: Link to Ambassador Murray’s op-ed: Send me your questions and comments to: harleysch@ ✅Become a member of the LaRouche Organization ➜ ✅ Subscribe to EIR News Service ➜ 💥 Follow us on: YouTube ➜ @LaRoucheOrganization Twitter ➜ Facebook➜ 📖 Read the Collected Works of Lyndon LaRouche 👉🏻 🚀Donate to the LaRouche Organization ➡ 🚀
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