KKK Grand Wizard David Duke sides with anti-Israel protesters
Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke says he is siding with anti-Israel protesters and those who will “save us from Jewish supremacism” — and now pro-Palestine activists are being ripped online for finding common ground with the hate group.
Duke, a self-proclaimed white supremacist and ex-grand wizard of the Knights of the KKK, made his hateful comments during a protest Friday in Detroit that was held after the rightwing America First Political Action Conference (AFPAC) led by white nationalist Nicholas Fuentes was abruptly canceled.
“I support Nick and all his work … and all the people who are working to save our country and save us from Jewish supremacism. We’re being genocided just like the Palestinians,” Duke says in a video shared on X by political commentator and undercover journalist Cam Higby.
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