Nice, I can be way more unfiltered and mean in the description since no one reads it. Except for you I guess. Naw but not gonna lie, this collab is pretty ass 💀 Which I wanna make it VERY CLEAR, that this Madness collab IS NOT MINE! I already got my dosage of classic Madness Combat collabs in with Hank Kills, and that collab was actually good, this one is just... B o r i n g. I’m sorry. If it were originally mine (well I wouldn’t have even made it in the first place) it would be a lot better.
Thank you though, to the people who actually came through and animated. Miami is definitely one of those people, along with Takitos. Overall though, this whole Not an Avenger thing is kind of just a flop for me, and it honestly makes me sad that I had to upload it. But, whatever, since you’re reading this at least y o u know that this collab wasn’t ass because of me. Anyways, lemme get these credits in so I can upload this video
0:00 Disclaimer (PLEASE READ)
0:09 NothengSpcil