Heroic Fast A Execute on Mirage (CS:GO Strategy Breakdown)

Heroic has two players, cadiaN and TeSeS, smoke right side on A from T Spawn. The other 3 players rush Ramp. Before coming out Ramp, niko pre-smoked it in case Vitality mollies it in which RpK does and the smoke puts it out. Flashes were thrown from cadiaN and TeSeS over Ramp and they blind RpK leading to an easy kill from niko. Site gets cleared and bomb is planted default. Afterplant, Heroic mollies Jungle and smokes Connector. They place two players, b0RUP and niko, in front of Trash while cadiaN is default with his AWP posted on CT. cadiaN will take first contact and then his teammates wil...l swing CT. ForZe Fast Mirage Right Side Smokes: 0:00 Heroic vs Vitality (DreamHack Open Fall 2020 Grand Final) 0:48 b0RUP 1:23 niko 1:50 stavn 2:12 cadiaN 2:57 TeSeS 3:27 Conclusion ▶️ SUBSCRIBE TO NARTOUTHERE: for CS GO content ▶️ Twitter: ▶️ Discord: ▶️ Instagram: ▶️ TikTok: @nartouthere ▶️ Facebook: ▶️ Reddit: ▶️ Tumblr: ▶️ Trade URL for Skin Donation: ▶️ Steam Group: ▶️ Twitch: ▶️ VK: For business inquiries: nartouthere@ Music: Summertime by Tokyo Music Walker #Heroic #CSGO #Counterstrike
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