Far Cry - Boat (Грузовое Судно), уровень #14

Прохождение игры Far Cry, уровень №14 - Boat (Грузовое Судно) 📢 Полное прохождение игры Far Cry 1 2004 FIX ошибки текстур - FIX ошибки Critical Exception - Русификаторы (подходят для любой версии) - Сохранения, сейвы - Скриншоты - FAQ по игре, проблемы и их решение - Take a boat trip to the nearest island. Climb into the tent and steal three bombs there. Now you need to blow up the first tower. Using the boat at the pier, sail to the neighboring island, go up the path and go down to the foot of the tower, it is very well guarded. Plant the explosives and in five seconds manage to get your feet out of there. It’s time to move to the second tower. It is located on a neighboring island, and you can get there first by boat, and then along the bridge stretched between the rocks (save). It remains to crash the last, third tower, moving to the next island (save). After that, sail to the ship near the coast called “Zol Teretenyak“. What is called, from the series, what would it mean? Climb to the deck along the net hanging into the water from the starboard side, go into the captain’s cabin. Next to the poster of the girl in a swimsuit and with a gun, take the explosives. Place it at the stern and quickly run to the bow of the ship. After the explosion, the vessel will begin to sink, and a machine gunner in a combat helicopter will suddenly fly to you and spin a couple of new discs for free. Do not despair, all is not lost yet, climb onto the floating containers and smash the helicopter, after which the boat will pick you up. 🔥🔥🔥
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