Talking About Your Hometown - Spoken English Lesson

In this lesson, you can learn how to describe your hometown in English. Describing your hometown is useful for your conversational English, and could also help you in exams such as the IELTS speaking exam or the FCE speaking exam. Improve your speaking and prepare for the IELTS with a certified English teacher with OOE: Where do you live? Do you live in a small town, a big city, or a remote village? What’s it like? Learn how to describe these things and more in this lesson on talking about your hometown. See the full version of this free English video lesson here: Contents: 1. Introducing Your Hometown 0:35 2. Adding Background and Details 2:11 3. Saying What You Like about Your Hometown 5:27 4. Saying what You Dislike about Your Hometown 8:55 5. Describing How Your Hometown Has Changed Over Time 11:53 6. Review 14:55 You can learn: - How to introduce where you live. - How to describe your hometown in detail. - How to s
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