Корпоративные профили: Мегакорпорация Капитолий - Первая и лучшая надежда человечества (Corporate Profiles: Megacorporation Capitol)

Corporate Profiles: Megacorporation Capitol - Humanity’ s First, Best Hope - Mutant Chronicles Lore The first in our Corporate Profiles series. This time it is Megacorporation Capitol. Find out what it takes to be a Employee-Citizen of Capitol and what happens if you don’t obey the law. Capitol is based on Mars with a large stake in Luna. Their huge military forces, incredibly powerful media and propaganda machine and the faith provided by the Brotherhood all work hard to hold together the first and only true Megacorporation in the Inner Worlds. This lore video should give your players a good overview of Capitol and help them decide if they want to play a Capitolian Employee-Citizen. #mutantchronicles #warzone #capitol #lorevideo Join Upturned Table on YouTube to support the channel:
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