Den Haag: Gevangenpoort en sloop panden langs Hofvijver in 1925 in kleur! The Hague in 1925 in color

The “Gevangenpoort“ is a medievil jail near the Dutch Houses of Parliament in The Hague, The Netherlands. In 1925 the city council decided to demolish a row of houses in from of the Gevangenpoort on the edge of the famous pond, called the Hofvijver. The main objective was to widen the road in order to cope with the increased motorized traffic. This film shows the situation near the Gevangenpoort just before the demolishment started as well as footage of the demolishment activity itself This area of the Hague is well known because it is nearby the entrance to the square of the Houses of Parliament, where the Dutch government used to be housed in the Ridderzaal building. The orginal B&W film has been motion-stabilized, halved in speed, restored, enhanced and colorized with state of the art A.I. software. Please note that the original film was very dark. It was hard to bring out more detail without introducing ugly artefacts. Source: Beeld En Geluid Music: David Celeste and H
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