DDR4 2666 vs 3200 mhz RAM which is worth for gaming , Coffee lake build ?
2666 mhz vs 3200 mhz memory Is it there any difference ? in gaming & productivity ? Tested with intel 8th generation i5 8400 cpu with gtx 1060 6gb - Side by side comparison.
Shown individual core turbo clock speed & all core turbo boost , total cpu usage, fps, frametime graph.
9 Games Tested @ low- medium settings 1920x1080 resolution
Rise of the tomb raider
Crysis 3
Battlefield 1 (bf1)
Gta 5 Grand Theft Auto V
project cars 2
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands
Far Cry Primal
The Witcher 3
f1 2017
1 view
4 months ago 00:00:00 3
СТРИМ | TESO - Обкатываем патч №44. Общаемся и хорошо проводим вечер ⚔
4 months ago 00:00:00 1
Warframe. Понедельник - рутина в варфе ( и снова варф и снова гринд )