Brittany Murphy before she was famous

Brittany Murphy *Throw Back Thursday* 1990. I’ve done many videos of the Metuchen Country Fair in New Jersey. The most memorable moment was when this little girl, Brittany Murphy, who came up to Ryk Schoonhiem in this Oct. 20th, 1990 clip and asked him “Would you like a children’s perspective?“ She had so much life and energy that I told Ryk to hand the mic over to her. This video was taken before she became a famous Television star. Wouldn’t TMZ love to get their hands on this tape. Google her name and see for yourself how much of a name she made for herself. You’ll see her multiple times on the David Letterman Show. Same happy bubbly personality. May her soul rest in peace. Born on November 10, 1977 – Died December 20, 2009, What really made her famous was her role in Amy Heckerling’s movie ’Clueless’ in 1995. This video was shown on the Public Access TV Program, ’Metuchen on the Air’, produced and directed by Carl K. Sylvester. 1 min. 32 sec.
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