Quivver - Call

Subscribe: Buy: Quivver has been a constant force in the scene for two decades. He is one of the few that constantly deliver music of the finest quality day in, day out. Three tracks to drool over here, kicking off with ’Response’. This draws on all of his hallmark sounds. Trippy vocal fx, swaggering percussion, a nasty underlying bassline and stabby synths, and superb melodics, that all culminate in a dance floor gem. Its unmistakable Quivver, and thats why we love it. ’Call’ is a beautiful warmth oozing gem, that sways along full of brightness and feel good vibes, but still with a deeper tinge and plenty of drive. Wait for that synth line... And rounding things off, we have the layered gem that is ’What Am I Dreaming?’. Tripped out and dreamy, yet dirty and punchy. This is cool in anybodies book. Quivver - Response, released 2016-06-20, Sudbeat Music, SB094 Also check out:
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