Wrecking Tanks with a 50mm Cannon Nose - Me 410 Hornet

The Messerschmitt 210 was intended to replace the effective yet outdated Bf 110 fighter-bomber. Then, after dozens of enhancements, the Me 210 evolved into the Me 410 Hornet in 1942. The German Me 410 quickly proved its value as a bomber destroyer thanks to its array of armament, which comprised underwing mortars, 30-millimeter cannons, and a colossal 5-centimeter BK cannon. It was also used as a fighter-bomber, heavy fighter, reconnaissance platform, and bomber interceptor, becoming a nightmare for the American B17 formations after realizing that one shot from the Hornet’s BK cannon was more than enough to neutralize them. Even the Fuhrer was mesmerized by the Hornet’s effectiveness and named it “The backbone of the home air defense,” trusting that it would keep the Allied air forces at bay. However, its development took several wrong turns, which resulted in several casualties, putting Hitler’s high hopes into question... --- Join Dark Skies as we explore the world
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