Herman the Worm ♫ Camp Songs for Children ♫ Kids Brain Breaks Songs by The Learning Station

One of the most popular children’s songs, “Herman the Worm“ is from the award-winning CD, “Action! Fun! Dance!“ “Action! Fun! Dance! CD Download: “Action! Fun! Dance! CD: Herman the Worm From the CD, Action! Fun! Dance! by The Learning Station ℗©Monopoli/The Learning Station LYRICS: HERMAN THE WORM (Sing along and follow the movements.) I was sittin’ on a fencepost slapping on my left knee, chewing on my bubble gum, chomp, chomp, chomp, chomp, playing with my yo-yo, do op, do op, do op do op, and watching the birds fly by. And then along came Herman the Worm and he was this big. (Hold fingers up to show about an inch) I asked, “Herman, what happened?“ and he said, “I swallowed one grape“. I was sittin’
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