Saint-Peterburg & Stars [3D Edit | Art & Design | 4K]

Author: Sebastyan City: Saint-Peterburg Music: Bon Iver, St. Vincent - Rosyln Buy This Project - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Coub: ​​ My VK: ​​ My Discord: Sebastyan#4021​​ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Это был заказ на 200 рублей, правда в процессе создания этого видео я понял, что оно тянет на все 500 :/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was an order for 200 rubles, although in the process of creating this video, I realized that it pulls all 500 rubles. :/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Sebastyan​​ #Epic​ #4K​ #4K​ Video #Bon Iver, St. Vincent - Rosyln #Saint-Peterburg
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