Arirang Special M60 Ep255 2014 Korea Drama Awards part 1

2014 Korea Drama Awards part 1 The Korea Drama Festival, is an event celebrating Korean dramas-loved not only by Koreans, but by people all around the world. Main events include the Korea Drama Awards, the Drama OST Concert, and Drama Musical. Subsidiary events include drama exhibitions, hands-on experience programs, and cultural events that allow visitors to experience the true charm of Hallyu. 2014 Korea Drama Awards 1부 코리아 드라마 어워즈는 코리아드라마페스티벌조직위원회에서 주최/주관하는 대한민국의 드라마 시상식으로 2007년 제 1회를 시작으로 매년 가을 코리아드라마
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