I have always imagined how it would be to fly high,at supersonic speeds,in a jet fighter.
In june i had the fortune to experience this emotion on the combat fighter Mig 29 Fulcrum.
With the Mikoyan Gurevich 29,i flew over the Russian skies at an extremely high altitude where i was able to
admire the roundness of our planet with an unforgettably dark blue sky above.
Thanks to the MIG 29’s powerful afterburners and aerodynamics,it passed the speed of sound of almost twice in the stratosphere.
After having seen this breathtaking view,the pilot descended vertically pushing the Mig to the limi
...t performing numerous acrobatic maneuvers:
-Inverted flight
-Low pass 800 km/h
-Alieron rools
-Split S
- at different gravitational
acceleration forces:first at 3g,then at 6,7 and then to the limit,at 9g.
The Mig 29 is a technological monster machine, with whom i lived extreme sensations.Show more