This is how bad the Homeless Problem in Seattle, Washington is today.

Seattle is just out of control. Can it even be fixed at this point? There’s a reason people call it Freeattle. Free tents, free drugs, free money free medical care, free reign. What began as a sympathetic and civilized agenda has exploded into a crisis. All over Seattle are signs of misfortune and tragedy. And despite a lot of money and platitides, the catastrophe here is only getting worse. So on a chilly day in late October, I drove all over the city to see the extent of it all. The goal was to check out Seattle’s newest plan - a series of tiny temporary villages that the city thinks will help alleviate the number of people living on its streets. And along the way, I got just a small glimpse into just how bad things in Seattle have become. A big part of the problem here is drugs and mental illness. While the cost of living has put hundreds, if not thousands of Seattleites out of their homes, it’s the city’s policy on drug use and law enforcement that has really made the problem here so bad. The city to
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