Retracing the Final Steps of the Death Valley Germans

Welcome to Wonderhussy Adventure #284 Way back in July of 1996, a group of German tourists went missing in Death Valley National Park: a man, a woman and two small boys. Months later, their rented minivan was found stuck in a wash, waaaaaay down a remote side canyon -- but there was no trace of the people themselves. It took 13 years of searching before the mystery was finally solved -- this is an EXTREMELY remote and rugged part of Death Valley, and very difficult to access. I found their story so haunting that I decided to go out there and see the place for myself. In this video, I retrace the final movements of the doomed tourists, from their campsite the night before they the way out to where their van was abandoned -- and beyond. You can see for yourself the kind of roads and terrain they were up against -- it’s no joke. This terrible, sad story is a chilling reminder of how dangerous backcountry travel can in Death Valley in the summertime. BE PREPARED
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