White Tara Mantra 白度母心咒 (Union of Heart and Breath 心气合一) by Imee Ooi 黄慧音

White Tara Mantra 白度母心咒 A Bodhisattva of immense compassion, White Tara mantra vows to counteract illness and suffering of sentient beings and helps to strengthen cultivation to eventually attain liberation. 白度母的慈悲誓愿和心咒为息灭众生的病苦、冤业、痴业,帮修行者去除逆缘、增长寿量、最终解脱生死轮廻。 Om Tare Tuttare Ture Mama Ayur Punye Jnana Pustim Kuru Soha 嗡 达咧 度达咧 度咧 玛玛 阿优 布涅 嘉纳 布顶 咕噜 梭哈 Online streaming and downloads: Apple Music 白度
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