Documenting Police Use of Force (full documentary) | FRONTLINE & @AssociatedPress

FRONTLINE, The Associated Press and The Howard Centers for Investigative Journalism investigate deaths that occurred after police used tactics like prone restraint and other “less-lethal force.” This journalism is made possible by viewers like you. Support your local PBS station here: ​ Every day, police rely on common tactics that, unlike guns, are meant to stop people without killing them, such as physical holds, Tasers and body blows. But when misused, these tactics involving what police call “less-lethal force” can still end in death. The federal government has struggled for years to count these types of deaths, and the little information it collects is often kept from the public and incomplete. This documentary is part of a multiplatform investigation from an AP-led team offering the most extensive accounting ever compiled of deaths following these kinds of encounters: 1,036 in the decade from 2012-21. Police say they are often responding to volatil
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