Back to Basics: Move Semantics (part 2 of 2) - Klaus Iglberger - CppCon 2019

Discussion & Comments: Presentation Slides, PDFs, Source Code and other presenter materials are available at: — Back to Basics: Move Semantics (part 2 of 2) Move semantics is one of the most complex topics in the world of C , including many technical details that often confuse even experts. This interactive back-to-the-basics session is entirely focused on understanding the details behind move semantics. It explains the motivation behind move semantics, the need for rvalue references and std::move, the reason for forwarding references and std::forward, and how to properly apply move semantics. The many interactive questions and exercises will help to quickly adapt the newly gained knowledge. — Klaus Iglberger Klaus Iglberger is a freelancing C trainer and consultant and is currently on the payroll of Siemens in Nuremberg, Germany. He has finished his PhD in computer science in 2
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